项目快上线了,以前一直采用传统的方式进行部署,从最早的 FTP 到后来的 SVN+SSH,既然现在是 Rails 项目,当然试一把 Capistrano。
使用 Capistrano 进行部署只需要在本地机器安装 Capistrano 即可,Capistrano 通过 SSH 与服务器端进行交互。
gem install -y capistrano当前最新版本是 2.3.0。
Ubuntu 8.0.4 上 gem 包相关的 bin 目录并不在系统路径中,需要手工加入gem bin 路径:
$cat "export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin" >> .~/bashrc $source ~/.bashrc
$cd RAILS_APP_DIR $capify .
调整 config/deploy.rb 中相关配置项,并加入一行:
set :runner, "ACCOUNT_NAME"用你服务器端的登录用户名取代 ACCOUNT_NAME,如果不设置此行,默认用户为 app,会导致设置失败。
$cap deploy:setupCapistrano > 2.3.0 开始默认启用 sudo,所以,服务器需要支持 sudo 支持,将 ACOUNT_NAME 加入到 sudo group, 并确认 /etc/sudoers 中设置:
# Uncomment to allow members of group sudo to not need a password %sudo ALL= ( ALL ) NOPASSWD: ALL
SSH 自动登录:
$ssh-keygen -t dsa $chmod 700 ~/.ssh $scp ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub USER_NAME@REMOTE_SERVER在服务器:
$cat id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys $rm -f id_dsa.pub
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache set :runner, "josh" depend :remote, :gem, "chronic", ">= 0.2.3" depend :remote, :gem, "packet", ">= 0.1.5" depend :remote, :command, "gnuplot" depend :remote, :command, "svn" depend :remote, :command, "mongrel_cluster_ctl" # make sure /usr/sbin in the $PATH需要注意的是 debian 中的 mongrel_cluster_ctl 脚本在 /usr/sbin 下,而通过 ssh 获得的系统 $PATH 并没有包含 /usr/sbin 目录,需要修改 .ssh/environment 和 ssh 的相关配置加入 /usr/sbin 目录。 Mongrel && backgroundrb 启动配置
rails_env = "production" set :mongrel_environment, "production" set :mongrel_conf, "#{deploy_to}/current/config/mongrel_cluster.yml" namespace :deploy do desc "Restart the Mongrel cluster and backgroundrb" task :restart, :roles => :app do stop start end desc "Start the mongrel cluster and backgroundrb" task :start, :roles => :app do mongrel.cluster.start start_backgroundrb end desc "Stop the mongrel cluster and backgroundrb" task :stop, :roles => :app do mongrel.cluster.stop stop_backgroundrb end desc "Start the backgroundrb server" task :start_backgroundrb , :roles => :app do begin puts "starting brb in folder #{current_path}" run "cd #{current_path} && RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} nohup ./script/backgroundrb start > /dev/null 2>&1" rescue RuntimeError => e puts e puts "Problems starting backgroundrb – running already?" end end desc "Stop the backgroundrb server" task :stop_backgroundrb , :roles => :app do begin puts "stopping brb in folder #{current_path}" run "cd #{current_path} && ./script/backgroundrb stop" rescue RuntimeError => e puts e puts "Backgroundrb appears to be down already." end end end需要注意的是 Capistrano 每次 deploy 的时候会重新检出代码,用户上传文件需要单独做 link:
namespace :assets do task :symlink, :roles => :app do run <<-CMD rm -rf #{release_path}/assets && ln -nfs #{shared_path}/assets #{release_path}/assets CMD end after "deploy:update_code" , "assets:symlink" task :create_dirs, :roles => :app do %w(assets).each do |name| run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/#{name}" end end after "deploy:setup", "assets:create_dirs" end
- 2007, DHH, Obey, The Rails Way
- Deploying Rails (2.0) to Mongrel with Capistrano 2.1
- Capistrano path and environment variable issues